



We are a modern, digital platform for writers and writing. We believe good writing should be beautiful and accessible. We believe writers from everywhere and of every type have something valuable to say. We believe writing is the quintessential human art form. We don’t believe in being serious all the time; but we take what we do very seriously.

We champion writers

We promise two things to the writers we choose to publish:


  1. We will work with them to ensure their work is the best it can be before we publish. This means we edit, ask questions, share ideas and produce the works together. 
  2. When the work is published, we will sing its and its author’s praises everywhere we can. (We like Instagram and Facebook, mostly.) We generate art, write blurbs, and feature writers across the site so that many roads lead to their work and to them.

We have plans

Since we launched in February 2024, we have focussed on establishing ourselves as a modern, quality place to publish poetry, fiction and drama. And we want to do more. Here’s a taste of our to-do list:

  • launch EGG+FROG
  • establish social media presence
  • maintain weekly publication schedule
  • launch monthly newsletter
  • launch first writing competition
  • develop free writing resources
  • launch free membership functionality
  • launch forum
  • develop weekly book club
  • create promotion spaces for members’ work

We need your help

Take a look around the site and if you think our project is worth it, please consider donating something to keep us going. If everyone who visited us since we opened our doors had given £2, we would be able to run this site for a year, ad-free!

EGG+FROG can’t continue without our writers, our readers – or the generosity of people like you. We’ve got plans to help us sustain ourselves long-term, but we’re not there yet. Whatever you can give helps us continue this work that we love to do.

"EGG+FROG have been invaluable (there are few other words that will do, even for someone who likes words!) in their sensitive input and support in the crafting and editing of my stories. The level of perception in what worked, what needed strengthening, what had to stay, all enabled the words to flourish – for this, I am hugely appreciative."
Author Jill Craig
Jill Craig
Author, 'Journeys' & 'Palermo'

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