site news:
Inspirathlon 2024
Welcome to Inspirathlon 2024! This is the main page for our competition, which ended on 10/11. All of our inspirations, judge’s comments, runners-up and our delightful, inspiring winners are gathered together here.
Autumn '24 newsletter
The carrier pigeons we sent out to deliver our June, July and August newsletters appear to have got lost somewhere. (We think they were just winging it, anyway.) So we’ve had a rethink and decided to gather up our newsletters into bumper seasonal editions instead.
We heard you all out there. We heard you all having fun in the rain, downing your cocktails and ruffling the pages of a paperback under a parasol. We heard you from the basement. Yes, we of little brain have been spending our summer tinkering with a website…

Recent arrivals:
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- content roundups, competition news and more
Terence Patrick Hughes
Terence Patrick Hughes writes fiction and drama. His theatre work has been developed and produced around the USA and internationally. Born in Lawrence, MA, Hughes lives with his wife and two children in Woodstock, NY
“So I got divorced this year. Any divorcees out there? OK, wow, that’s a large number. Gentlemen, my condolences, and ladies, my apologies, because that was my pick-up line. I’ll see you all after the show.”
got something for the word-hoard?

our ridiculous writing competitions:
news, rules & results
Autumn '24

three rounds. three inspirations.
Check out the inspirations, judge’s comments and all the rest here.
spring '24

The Top 10 of our first-ever flash fiction competition. Fandabidozi.
Our full report is here.

EGG+FROG runs on goodwill and bad business decisions lol

Features, experiments, bits & Pieces