I thought of you
I thought of you as gentle sun
light dancing in my hair,
and as the dandelion seeds
that float on hazy air
I thought of you as springtime rain
that falls and runs away,
and as the sweet pink honey
in the clover, in the hay
I thought of water running clear
from mountain down to sea,
and that was you, the river,
the fish, the birds, the trees
I thought of you as dragon’s breath
and sleet, and snow, and hail –
blowing, howling, screaming
through the forest as a gale
Then there you were in heather’s scent,
in moss and musty peat,
no longer here beside me
but deep beneath my feet

Charity reed
Charity Reed is a writer from West Scotland.
She is currently studying for a BA in English Language and lives with her partner, three collies and four hens.
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