Reading time:

We heard you all out there. We heard you all having fun in the rain, downing your cocktails and ruffling the pages of a paperback under a parasol. We heard you from the basement. Yes, we of little brain have been spending our summer tinkering with a website (and taking Vitamin D supplements, for it gets dark, it gets cold…).  

But it’s finally done! 

A-ha! Yes, it is now we who will dally with the daiquiri – and ye who will be chained to the wuthering website. Because we’ve made it pretty. And now there’s a little more to do while you’re here. 

Here’s what we’ve been up to:

Kieran Cottrell

Kieran is the designer and general editor of EGG+FROG. It’s all his fault.

seasonal, shmeasonal

EGG+FROG is still a year-round, open-all-hours labour of love, but we’ve decided to frame our work with the seasons. This was mainly a style choice – we love the ‘quarterly’ feel of slightly less hysterical journals – but it’s practical, too. We can now align features and competitions within a theme, making EGG+FROG feel a little less like a pick-and-mix of (admittedly excellent) bits of writing, and a bit more cohesive. We hope you like it. Especially the frog with the umbrella. I think we really nailed summer vibes with that one. 

Our newsletters will also become seasonal roundups with this change – in case you were wondering why you didn’t get your favourite inbox intrusions in June and July.

we've been sectioned

EGG+FROG is now divided into three distinct areas:

Besides making all our content more manageable and navigable, these new sections make room for our future plans for content. The Word-Hoard is still our first destination for the amazing contributions of poetry, prose and drama from our fantastic writers – and remains our top priority. But we now have The Eggbox, which will feature more experimental or article-y things for the future. (Check out our first offering, ‘The Never-Ending Narrative‘, which we’re really excited about.) The Ring is where we’re going to feature news, rules, finalists and all that lark from our seasonal competitions – including the amazing turnout we had for Britain vs. The World: Flash Battle 2024. More on that note in August…

Submissions are open, globally

Following some great feedback, as well as the brilliantly diverse submissions we received for Britain vs. The World, we’ve decided to expand the submissions criteria. We’re going global, baby! You can read all the details you need on our submissions page, but the gist is this: anyone over the age of 16 writing in English is now eligible to submit for any of our three new sections.

We’ve also decided to keep submissions open all year round, doing away with calendar-based submission windows. Now, we’ll let you know how much capacity we have to consider new writing, and we’ll close the door occasionally to give what we’ve received the attention it deserves.

I think this is a really exciting development for EGG+FROG and can only result in even more great writing making its way to us. Knowing how great (and how appreciated, truly) all our previously British-only contributors were, I personally can’t wait to see what work we’ll start to receive from the rest of the world.

(If this perturbs any of His Majesty’s patriots out there, there’s at least the consolation that Team Britain smashed the competition in Britain vs. The World. As they might – i.e. will – again, next year…)

One final word

Thank you to everyone who has visited EGG+FROG since we launched in February – including you, who presumably aren’t having this beamed into your head from HQ. Thank you also to everyone who has provided feedback, either by our form or just by way of a lovely email now and then. Thank you for all the likes and shares on Instagram and Facebook. And an enormous, enormous thank you to the generous ones whose donations have helped see us through and given us a huge boost of confidence. 

To all: thank you, thank you, thank you. We hope you keep popping by. There’s a load more planned for the rest of this year. And don’t forget, if you ever want to get in touch about anything (except maybe that problem with your scalp), do get in touch

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