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April 2024 Newsletter
Someone once said, ‘April is the coolest month.’ At least, we think that’s how it goes. Anyway – we couldn’t agree more! We can finally bid good riddance to winter, and start enjoying those lighter evenings, brighter days, and mornings filled with birdsong and the keyboard-clack of de-hibernating writers.
At EGG+FROG, April 2024 sees the end of a brilliant month. We focussed our publication on a fantastic, fascinating (and free) flourish of fiction in full-fat and flash varieties. (Say that three times.) Our readership more than doubled, we received some lovely feedback from writers and readers both – and best of all, we launched our very first writing competition. Keep reading for all the glorious details.
Last month's masterworks:
In March, we published brilliant new writing every week. We saw the return of Jill Craig, whose ‘Journeys’ proved such a hit in February. Robin Harker took us back in time to the early 20th Century, Sean Glatch invited us across the ocean to modern-day New York, and Rebecca Klassen plunged us in a ball pit. It’s been a true honour to host these fantastic writers. We know you’ll love what they have to offer.
Get in the ring!
Our flash fiction competition – Britain vs The World: Flash Battle 2024 – is open for entries! We’re super excited for this. The Top 5 British flashes and the Top 5 international flashes will duke it out for prizes and points. The team with the most points will win extra prizes and eternal glory! Best yet: every entry gets feedback from our editorial team. So everyone’s a winner! Closing: 30/04/24.
Hello, again
We thought it was about time to introduce ourselves properly. We published a shiny new page letting all our new and returning readers know what we do and what we’re planning to get up to over the next few months. We also very, very gently encouraged anyone who likes what we’re doing to throw some spare change our way. Those beautiful souls help keep our site free for everyone.
Coming up at EGG+FROG:
We’ve got loads of plans for March, so come back every day – either on the site or on social media – for more super-sensible, not-at-all-ridiculous literary enjoyment.
Thanks for reading!
P.S. Got two seconds?
We’d love to know what you think about EGG+FROG. We have the world’s shortest possible survey (one question), if you could spare a couple of minutes:
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