Poetry. Life After, by Lisa Stone. Image: a woman sits at the end of a jetty looking up at the moon.

Life After

I sit alone, where the jetty

soaks its bony ankles in the tide.

Bladderwrack drifts, and the waves

keep gentle company with the shore.

Dusk muffles the lonely curlew’s cry.

The reed beds stir: a silent eel 

wrinkles the water’s surface.

A sea breeze ruffles my heart,

and I breathe out the remnants

of confining day. Time recedes

like the smudge of a sail, and at last

the moon begins to polish the night.

Lisa Stone

Lisa Stone was a Secondary School English teacher for many years but is now a wellbeing coach/practitioner and circle facilitator.


She has written poetry for many years and, following longtime involvement with overseas and UK humanitarian charities, her work tends to focus on social injustice, displacement and the beauty of nature.

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