Britain vs The World:

flash battle 2024

 Up to 500 words. 

Any subject, any style. 

Ready to rumble?

get in the ring!

ding ding!

EGG+FROG cordially invite you to the fight of your life. Destiny calls you. Glory awaits. Britain vs The World: Flash Battle 2024 is officially open for entries!

who's side are you on, anyway?

This competition isn’t like all the others. This is a team battle. Will you join the might of Great Britain, the land of Shakespeare, Love Actually & Wetherspoons? Or will you fight for The World (you know, where everything else is)?

The Top 5 Flashes from Team Britain and Team World will duke it out for prizes, glory – and points. 1st, 2nd and 3rd place will get a host of incredible prizes. BUT! The team with the most points at the end of the competition will be declared CHAMPIONS! And also win some vouchers!! For stuff on Amazon!!! (The judges won’t know the teams, by the way, in case you’re worried about shenanigans.)

Let's go already!

Polish off your flashes, tie up your laces, have a quick drink of water – and scroll down for all the information you’ll need to make the best decision of your life. What are the prizes? Who’s judging? When will you find out the results? These are all excellent questions with truly life-changing answers. Read on – and see you in the ring! (After we’ve had a lie-down.)








75 pts

60 pts

50 pts

40 pts

35 pts

30 pts

25 pts

20 pts

15 pts

10 pts


Get your ticket

Buy your ticket at the bottom of the page. You'll be able to download it immediately at checkout. Very modern.


Free second entry?

Just follow us on Facebook or Instagram and share our ad for the competition. (Tag us in it so we know it's you.) Easy peasy.


Send your masterpiece

Simply send your stories, voucher code(s), and social media info (if you'd like the freebie) to:

why enter?

We love writing competitions. We think they’re a great chance to get excited about your writing again – and maybe win stuff. But if you don’t win? The whole thing can feel like a waste of time and money. That’s why we’re offering something different.

Every entry gets feedback

The best reason to enter is that no entry is a waste of money. Even if you don’t make the shortlist, your work will receive feedback from our editorial team. Keep your work, support great writing, and improve your craft. We think that’s a pretty good offer.

"EGG+FROG have been invaluable (there are few other words that will do, even for someone who likes words!) in their sensitive input and support in the crafting and editing of my stories. The level of perception in what worked, what needed strengthening, what had to stay, all enabled the words to flourish – for this, I am hugely appreciative."
Author Jill Craig
Jill Craig
Author, 'Journeys' & 'Palermo'
"It's a pleasure to have my work published by EGG+FROG. The website is full of character without sacrificing clarity. Kieran is a really engaged editor, offering insightful feedback on the poems I submitted and helping me to see them with fresh eyes. Good things are being hatched here!"
Dominic Palmer
Poet, 'Accidents'

Support us

We’re a new platform and we’re trying to do things differently. Every ticket we sell helps us keep EGG+FROG going and growing. We’re not buying yachts. Promise. We just want to keep the lights on.

your work, forever

Writers keep full copyright of their work before, during and after the competition. We only ask that the Top 10 let us publish and celebrate their work on EGG+FROG. (You can also enter previously published work, too.) See the T’s & C’s for all the info.

"EGG+FROG makes me want to escape to an English preserve, find a nice spot on a lily pad, and just write. It was an honour to work with Kieran as we prepared my poem for publication. I love a good editor who invests time in a writer’s work. Not to mention, EGG+FROG creates magical illustrations to go with each poem. I am getting mine framed!"
Nancy Byrne Iannucci
Poet, 'Hole'

New to flash? no problem!

Here's a secret...

Not all that many people write flash fiction – but they absolutely should! Nestled somewhere between poetry and regular fiction, flashes are quick to write, easy to digest, and are very much the best of both worlds: a short space lets all your beautiful language shine, yet you get the full impact of a story. 

beginners, go for it!

This competition will be judged blind. That means our judges won’t take into account your name, your age or your publication history. All that matters is the work itself. And remember: there are no limits to subject or style. Fantasists, scientists, romantics, oddballs – everyone is welcome!

Ideas to get you started

Here are some excellent resources to help you put together your flash – whether it’s your first or five hundredth:

"Like a lightning strike, flash fiction stories can be over in an instant—radically altering the terrain of the reader’s imagination." - Sean Glatch


All our top 10 will receive full publication on Egg+Frog, including:

And there's more!!


+ 'editor's choice' induction

+ social media spotlight

+ eternal glory


+ social media spotlight

+ slightly less glory


+ social media spotlight

+ a bit of glory

winning team

5x £10 Amazon giftcards

+ Lifetime bragging rights

+ guaranteed smile on your face

+ envy of the losing team

+ a virtual pat on the back

+ your mum will be pleased, probably


Author Rebecca Klassen

rebecca klassen

Rebecca Klassen is a co-editor of The Phare. Her work has been widely published, including in Mslexia, Popshot, Literally Stories and many more. She has won the London Independent Story Prize, and was shortlisted for the Oxford Flash Prize and the Laurie Lee Prize. Rebecca’s stories have been performed at Stroud Book Festival, Cheltenham Literature Festival, and on BBC Radio.

“Make every word count. Flash doesn’t allow for preamble. Throw me into your action and characters so I don’t skim. Once you’ve decided what your story is about, ask yourself what it’s really about. Think of a time you felt something, write it, and make me feel it too. “

Read Rebecca:

Author Sean Glatch

sean glatch

Sean Glatch currently runs, the oldest writing school on the internet. He is a queer poet, storyteller, and screenwriter in New York City. His work has appeared in Ninth Letter, Milk Press, 8Poems, The Poetry Annals,  and elsewhere. He has also written widely on the art of writing. You can read his masterclass on How to Write Flash Fiction here

“I’m looking for sentences that are beautiful, musical, strange. Stories that reveal something about who we are, how we relate to each other.  Writing that doesn’t waste a single word, that manages to be both concise and layered, easy-to-read yet complex. Mostly, I want to read a story that only you could have written.”

Read Sean:

results dates

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to join our winner’s parade throughout May. Every day we’ll reveal a finalist, the story, the artwork & judge’s comments. On the final day, we’ll crown our champion and the winning team. This is going to be so much fun.

Oh, and we’ll also be posting the full results on EGG+FROG on 22/05, so look out for that.

And before you go...

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