Text: Inspirathlon 2024

1 ticket. 3 rounds. 

where will your imagination take you?

round 2 closes:

  • 00Days
  • 00Hours
  • 00Minutes
  • 00Seconds





FYI: Round 1 is now over.

(But you can still purchase a ticket for rounds 2 & 3, if you like.)

If you’re looking for our main competition page, that’s here.

Nothing is impossible

EGG+FROG cordially invites you to take part in our latest writing competition: Inspirathlon 2024! Like our last competition, we want to offer writers something a bit different. This time, we’ll provide inspirations – they could be videos, pictures or songs – and writers will have one week to write a response. A poem on a Picasso? A monologue for Madonna? Anything goes! (As long as it’s, you know, writing…)

"Rules help control the fun!"

Round 1


open: 1/10/24

close: 8/10/24

results: 13/10/24

Round 2


open: 14/10/24

close: 21/10/24

results: 27/10/24

Round 3


open: 28/10/24

close: 4/11/24

results: 10/11/24

winners' Prizes

round 1:


round 2:


round 3:


PLUS: all our winners and runners-up will receive publication and illustration on EGG+FROG. Here's what that looked like last time:



Ingrid Jendrzejewski was both the winner and a top 10 finalist in our very first writing competition. So we were delighted when she agreed to come judge for us this time round.


Ingrid has published around 200 shortform pieces in places like Best Small Fictions, the Los Angeles Review and various Bath Flash Fiction anthologies. Her short collection Things I Dream About When I’m Not Sleeping was a runner-up for Bath Flash Fiction’s first Novella-in-Flash competition.


She currently serves as Co-Director of National Flash Fiction Day.

“I love traditional storytelling, but I’m also excited by all manner of experiment and play — if your piece fits the word count and you’re passionate about it, I want to read it!  More than anything, I love pieces that take me to new places, be that an unusual structure or format, an intriguing style or use of language, or simply your unique perspective on an everyday theme. Send me the work that only you can write!”

Things to keep in mind:

Full terms and conditions can be found here.

And before you go...

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