
Poetry. Bookmarks, by Colin Dardis. Image: the silhouette of a book with a variety of bookmarks poking out the top, including a pen, a feather, a ticket, a pair of scissors and a comb.

poetry: Bookmarks

Bookmarks It might be a receipt, a bus ticket, or if you need that ticket to return on, the foil paper ripped from a half-packet of gum, an old hairclip, something humdrum, a pen, or even, in desperation, a tissue, slightly used (do not judge them) or whatever else can be foraged from the handbag’s […]

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news: EGG+FROG 2.0

EGG+FROG 2.0 Reading time: about 2.0 minutes We heard you all out there. We heard you all having fun in the rain, downing your cocktails and ruffling the pages of a paperback under a parasol. We heard you from the basement. Yes, we of little brain have been spending our summer tinkering with a website

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Inspirations 1. Image: Four writers, clockwise from top-left: David Lambert, Jennifer Todd, Rebecca Miles, Dominic Palmer

feature: Inspirations #1

Inspirations #1 ‘Inspirations’ is our sometime feature where our writers delve into the genesis of their work and/or their creative process.  Follow the links to fall in love with them all over again, or visit our ever-growing Archive to discover new favourites. Contents: 1. david lambert 2. Jennifer Todd 3. Rebecca miles 4. Dominic palmer

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Flash fiction. Reenactment, by Andrew Wickham. Image: silhouettes of four people gathered around an ornate bed in which a woman with tousled hair is lying. On the wall are a framed picture of a man, a cross, and a clock.

flash: Reenactment

Reenactment Reading time: about 7-8 minutes The history books said that it must take place on the twenty-second of January.  Lying in bed, dressed in a plain white gown, head covered by a lace veil decorated with myrtle leaves, Alex Osborne wondered if people would be angry.     At the head of the bed, Malcolm had

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April 2024. Image: a frog in a blue jacket sits at a breakfast table holding an egg and a spoon. On the table is a takeaway cup of coffee, an open book and a bowl with a fried egg in it.

April 2024 Newsletter

Sign up for next month’s newsletter content updates, artworks, competition news (and frogs) – direct to your inbox April 2024 Newsletter Reading time: about 5 minutes Someone once said, ‘April is the coolest month.’ At least, we think that’s how it goes. Anyway – we couldn’t agree more! We can finally bid good riddance to

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Fiction. Palermo, by Jill Craig. Image: the silhouette of a woman looks out sadly over a wrought iron balcony. On the other side of the balcony are a couple with their arms around each other. In the sky is an aeroplane.

fiction: Palermo

Palermo Reading time: about 25 minutes The summer months are coming to an end and the town is emptying. Students go inland to the city; tourists return home; the doors of the many second homes are locked. In the calm harbour, the ferry has docked and buoys pock the surface of the water, bobbing lightly.

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