Poetry. Those environmentally inaccessible neanderthal caves of include me nevada, by Colin James. Image: the silhouette of a washing machine left open in a desert.

Those Environmentally Inaccessible Neanderthal Caves of Include Me Nevada

Evidence of our forebears’ 


cliff cave pollution spreads. 


From way up here 


an irregular series of white dots. 


Closer examination reveals 


old washing machines, dryers 


left out to soak up some sun. 


If you listen carefully 


below the sand-ridden wind 


you can hear them whimpering at night 


still cycling their anguish 


in energy-saving cold water. 

colin james

Colin James is a poet. 


His chapbooks, Dreams Of The Really Annoying and A Thoroughness Not Deprived of Absurdity, are published by Writing Knights Press and Piski’s Porch Press, respectively. His book-length collection, Resisting Probability, is published by Sagging Meniscus Press.  


Born in England, he now lives in Massachusetts. 

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