dominic palmer

Inspirations 1. Image: Four writers, clockwise from top-left: David Lambert, Jennifer Todd, Rebecca Miles, Dominic Palmer

feature: Inspirations #1

Inspirations #1 ‘Inspirations’ is our sometime feature where our writers delve into the genesis of their work and/or their creative process.  Follow the links to fall in love with them all over again, or visit our ever-growing Archive to discover new favourites. Contents: 1. david lambert 2. Jennifer Todd 3. Rebecca miles 4. Dominic palmer […]

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Poetry. Accidents, by Dominic Palmer. Image: the silhouettes of a man and a woman face away from each other. In the middle of the letter 'D' is a knife.

poetry: Accidents

accidents Sunday evening finds us in the kitchen. You’re washing up, I’m rolling flatbreads out with tension like a mortise in my gut.   We’ve heard the news: a relative of yours, a garden afternoon, a sudden slip, and somehow, that was it. My hands still grip   the rolling pin, yours soak in a

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