It's alive!
February 1, 2024
Hello! Welcome to EGG+FROG. We are a digital literary magazine dedicated to publishing some of the best new British writing being dreamt up today. After months of work, we’re proud to be able to share our site and some of the stunning work we’ve curated from our incredible contributing writers. The UK has a proud history of literary culture, offering an astronomy of words, worlds and ideas to which our first batch of work – from surrealist fiction to poems in pastel hues – will lend its light.
Our work is not limited by genre or style. We publish only quality British writing, in many of its guises: fiction, essay, poetry, drama, and eventually even works that test classification. We are interested in finding and preserving work that directs us to the furthest limits of human experience, which illustrates the familiar in new colours, or which transports us to the beyond and between. We are going to build a word-hoard – something worthy of the quintessential human art form.
Which sounds very grand, for an egg plus a frog. I hope we can live up to such ambition.
So what can you expect from EGG+FROG? We’re bursting with ideas for our first year: writing competitions, interviews and even a puzzle or two are currently in development – and, of course, words, words, words. We’re going to post new content at least every week. You should also check in with us every day on social media for gorgeous artworks we generate in response to our published works, as well as writing prompts and the odd frog…
Readers, if you slid past our featured works at the top of our homepage, be sure to scroll back up or visit our ever-growing archive. Writers, if you’re interested in contributing to our ongoing project, you can find information about submissions here. And for everyone and anyone who visits us and believes in what we do, we would be grateful for your assistance in making EGG+FROG a success – at the moment, the best way to do this is to follow us on instagram and facebook, and share your favourite works and writers with your networks.
Thanks for reading. Adieu! my friends; take care of yourselves; and, I entreat you, write!
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