Inspirathlon 2024

terms & Conditions

Here’s everything you need to know about entering our writing competition, Inspirathlon 2024. If you have any questions that haven’t been answered below, please get in touch at

Entry Eligibility

  1. Entrants must be 16 years or older.
  2. By entering this competition, entrants declare that they have the copyright of the work they are entering. 
  3. To enter, entrants must have a valid (i.e. previously unused) ‘Basic Entry Ticket’ or ‘Fancy Entry Ticket’. These tickets can be bought at the bottom on the competition page. This ticket must be presented at the time of submission – i.e. attached along with the competition entry in every round in an email to
  4. A ‘Basic Entry Ticket’ entitles a writer to submit one piece of work in any and all of the three rounds of the competition.
  5. A ‘Fancy Entry Ticket’ entitles a writer to submit one piece of work in any and all of the three rounds of the competition; additionally, the writer will receive qualitative feedback on all of their entries – see below: ‘Benefits of Entering’
  6. Entrants can submit as many entries as they like, providing they have a valid entry ticket for each entry
  7. Entries must be in English – at least in part. Entries in other languages (but with a small section in English) are acceptable but the writer acknowledges that judging the quality of these works is very likely to be outside of the abilities of the judges.
  8. Entries in all rounds must not exceed 800 words.
    1. The title is NOT included in the word count – but please be reasonable.
  9. Entries may be written in any style, form or genre of the writers’ choosing, with no exceptions.
  10. Entries submitted to EGG+FROG after the deadline of each round (Round 1: October 7th 2024, 23:59; Round 2: October 20th 2024, 23:59; Round 3: November 3rd 2024, 23:59) will not be accepted for entry and cannot be refunded.

Formatting requirements

  1. Please submit entries as .doc, .docx or .pdf files. 
  2. Any legible font is acceptable.
  3. Font size 12 is preferred.
  4. There are no line spacing requirements.
  5. Please submit separate entries as separate files.
  6. Please remove any identifying information (name, etc) from your document(s) prior to entry. 


  1. In each round, all entries will be read and receive a first round of judging by the editorial team of EGG+FROG. This first round of judging will produce a shortlist of ten entries. The editorial team will remove any information from the entries which might identify the writer for the shortlist judge.
  2. In each round, the winner and two runners-up will be decided from the shortlist by the named judge: Ingrid Jendrzejewski.
  3. Judging, both in the long- and short-list stage, is undertaken based on the perceived quality of the work alone. No preference will be given to any nationality, age, previous publication history or any other factor outside of the text itself.
  4. Judges’ decisions are final. We promise to judge this competition in good faith, respecting all writers who choose to enter and the work they have put into their entries. 


  1. The winner of each round will be awarded the following prizes:
    1. Round 1: £50
    2. Round 2: £75
    3. Round 3: £100
  2. The winners and runners-up of each round will also receive the following prizes:
    1. Publication at EGG+FROG, which consists of
      1. A dedicated post for their work, with space for author acknowledgements.
      2. Custom artwork produced for publicity and site links in the same style as other published writing on EGG+FROG.
      3. Links to this work on the homepage, archive and relevant other sections of EGG+FROG, including the newsletter, round-up features and collections of associated work.
      4. Social media publicity for the work and writer, in the form of an announcement post.
    2. Guaranteed ‘fast lane’ status for any future submissions to EGG+FROG during open submissions periods.
  3. Cash prizes will be delivered by bank transfer within 7 days of the end of the competition – i.e. within 7 days after 10th November 2024. Winning entrants will be contacted by EGG+FROG to provide relevant bank details to make the transfer. 
  4. Publication prizes will take place during the announcement period (13th October 2024-10th November 2024).

benefits of entering - 'Fancy entry ticket', feedback & copyright

  1. Entrants using a ‘Fancy Entry Ticket’ are entitled to qualitative feedback on all of their entries. The feedback will take the form of critical commentary (100-300 words per entry) concerning theme, style, language choice and other relevant aesthetic considerations. The feedback will be undertaken by the editorial team at EGG+FROG and delivered via email to each entrant.
    1. All entrants will receive feedback within 40 days after the end of the competition period – i.e. within 40 days after 10th November 2024. 
  2. All entrants retain full copyright of their entries. However, by entering, you give EGG+FROG permission to publish your entry, if you are deemed a winner or a runner-up, on in perpetuity. Allowing us to publish your work in this way does not allow us to sell your work, reproduce it in any other way without your further consent, nor does it provide us with any further copyright in respect to your entry. We undertake this competition in good faith, with respect to writers and the art of writing. 

Contact and announcements

  1. Shortlisted writers will be contacted with their individual results 24 hours before we announce them. The full results will be published on social media, EGG+FROG and in a special edition newsletter on 22nd May 2024.
  2. By entering this competition, you give EGG+FROG permission to add your email address (provided at the point of purchasing your entry ticket) to our mailing list. This enables us to contact you for the following reasons:
    1. Acknowledgment of receipt of entry
    2. Announcements of competition results
    3. Letting you know about future competition and submission opportunities at EGG+FROG
    4. Delivering a seasonal newsletter related to EGG+FROG’s latest publications
  3. If you wish to remove your email address from our mailing list at any time and for any reason, please let us know at or click the ‘unsubscribe’ link at the bottom of emails received though our mailing software, MailChimp. We’ll take you off our list straight away, no questions asked.


  1. Refund requests for the price of a ‘Basic Entry Ticket’ or a ‘Fancy Entry Ticket’ will not be accepted unless under the following circumstances:
    1. EGG+FROG fails to announce the results of the competition and notify the entrants of the results.
    2. Judging does not take place for any reason.
    3. Entrants using a ‘Fancy Entry Ticket’ do not receive promised feedback on their entries.