Welcome, writer

EGG+FROG is an online literary magazine, dedicated to publishing a diverse selection of quality modern writing. We have no preferences for genre, form or content; all the writing that is submitted to us is judged on its own merit. We’re not beholden to anyone, which gives us freedom to publish what we like. Fortunately, we like lots of things: experimental and traditional; genre-bound and boundary-blurring; simple and complex; formal and freeform; head-scratching and heart-warming; in good taste and in bad, till death do us part. Unpublished writers are as welcome as old hands. Amen.

Where are you thinking of submitting to?

The Word-Hoard

poetry. prose. drama.

The Word-Hoard is our premier destination for writing on EGG+FROG. We publish poetry, prose and drama – and we’re open to works which may mix or defy these categories.

We roll out the red carpet for the writers whose work(s) we love: we work with them to polish their work before publication; we promote them on our social media channels; we create artworks to make their writing stand out; and we provide space in the publication and across EGG+FROG for the writers to promote themselves and their other work.  

Submissions are free and open year-round to all writers of English across the world. However, we have a certain amount of capacity for reading and decision-making (see at the bottom – ‘Spaces Left’). When we reach capacity, we temporarily close submissions. Our aim is a quick turnaround on submissions (2-3 weeks), and we’ll announce when we’re reopen on social media. 

For submissions guidelines, see our FAQ below.

Spaces left:


(We’ll reopen once our competition is over.)

please do submit

please don't submit

(almost) anything goes.

The Eggbox is a new section of EGG+FROG. We’ve created a space for writing, features and experiments which exist outside the scope of The Word-Hoard. We would love for this area to be led by readers and contributing writers, filled with things that enrich the global craft of writing, or are simply great to read. 

Our first offering is ‘The Never-Ending Narrative’, an unlimited, patchwork experiment: a relay between disparate writers. Contributors submit 100-250 words which respond to and/or advance an illimitable narrative. We want to explore how the experience of reading and writing is transformed when the traditional parameter of the ending is done away with. This may be a terrible failure, something rather special, or both – but we’re excited to see where YOU can take it, wherever it goes. 

Submissions guidelines are in the FAQ below.

Got other ideas?

We are open to pitches for features, one-offs, serials, articles, or anything else that won’t fit in The Word-Hoard. In particular, we’d love to hear ideas in the vicinity of

Send your ideas to contact@eggplusfrog.com

writing competitions

Text: Inspirathlon 2024

one ticket. three rounds.

EGG+FROG cordially invites you to take part in our latest writing competition: Inspirathlon 2024! Like our last competition, we want to offer writers something a bit different. This time, we’ll provide inspirations – they could be videos, pictures or songs – and writers will have one week to write a response. A poem on a Picasso? A monologue for Madonna? Anything goes! (As long as it’s, you know, writing…)

Subscribe to our seasonal newsletter

faq & submissions guidelines

It depends on the area you’re submitting to. Here’s a general rundown:


The Word-Hoard


We publish fiction, poetry and drama (or a mix) in any genre, written in any style, on any topic. The only limits are as follows:


Poetry: 2-5 poems in a single document

Fiction: Up to 7500 words

Drama: Scenes, one-acts & monologues up to 5000 words


The Eggbox


We’re accepting pitches on anything you may find suitable. See the information above for the sort of thing we’re particularly interested in.


Submissions to ‘The Never-Ending Narrative’ must be between 100-250 words.


The Ring


Competitions will have their own rules for word and content limits, so it’s best to check the announcement page for each competition individually.


For prose and drama, please use at least 1.5 line spacing. Standard fonts are suggested – though please bear in mind that work is published in Nixie One (the same typeface used here), with Bungee for titles and headings. If your work is experimental with font – for instance, using bold, italic, etc outside of their typical usages; or using different fonts for different dialogue (think Death in Discworld) – let us know.


For poetry, you may use line spacing as necessary. Experimental poetry – i.e. non-standard presentations of text – is of course acceptable, but please export as pdfs/jpgs. Please remember, poetry submissions should consist of 2-5 poems in a single document.


Files should be .doc or .docx (unless stated above). We can’t accept Pages documents. We’ll read pdfs, but it can be a headache to make useful notations on those files if you’re accepted, so we’d rather you didn’t.

Submissions are open to writers of English, worldwide. We used to specify British writers only, but following feedback from – and the quality of – contributors to our worldwide competition, we’ve decided to expand our offering. That said, we are a British publication with a British editorial team, so British submissions are bound to tickle our fancy a little bit more than others.


New writers with zero publication experience need not worry. You are as welcome to submit as writers with decades craning over their pens. We ask for bio information with submissions, but this has only a slight influence on how we read your work.


Submitting writers must be 16 or older.

Word-Hoard submissions are free.


Eggbox submissions are free.


Competitions will have their own individual entry fees, which we’ll make clear (and reasonable).

This depends on the volume of submissions. We aim for between 1-4 weeks from receiving your submission.

Yes. Your work remains your property, and you will not need to seek EGG+FROG’s permission to submit, publish or otherwise use your work elsewhere in the future.


However, submitting to EGG+FROG is undertaken on the basis of permitting us to host your work on the website in perpetuity, and to use select extracts for marketing and social media purposes. We believe all of these activities are beneficial for the writer, and we operate on the basis of respect for the art of writing and the work of writers. Your work is safe with us.

That’s the dream! At the moment, it’s not possible. We know writers can’t live on exposure, well wishes or reputation. The whole reason we set up this magazine is for the love of writing and writers. So trust us when we say that, when we can, we absolutely intend to offer payment for publications. We’re a new publication, and are exploring and devising ways to become self-sustaining outside of advertising and paywalls – neither of which align with our values. Watch this space.

For prose and drama, please submit work one at a time – that’s true of The Word-Hoard and The Eggbox. Any individual writer should not submit more than three pieces per quarter.


For poetry, submissions should consist of 2-5 poems in a single document. Please, no more than three documents per quarter.

Yes. Just let us know if you’re successful elsewhere first, please.

The £1’000’000 question.


The basics are important: spelling, punctuation, grammar. If a reader can’t trust that these are in order, you won’t be free to explore ambivalence and ambiguity in your writing (particularly if your writing is somewhat experimental); your message will feel less credible if you’re writing to persuade or inform; at the bottom of it, the reader will simply enjoy your work less. Writing is a craft as much as an art: keep your tools sharp and well-oiled – and use them with precision.


In terms of subject matter, there is no topic, point of view, or ideology which will make you more or less likely to be accepted for publication. Acceptance for publication is based on the perceived quality of the writing. We want good writing, to be simple about it. For us, this means a discerning and sensitive admixture of literary and artistic devices: euphony, rhythm, voice, character, originality, structure, image, story, insight, pace, space, humour, terror, texture, tension, grace, catharsis…

We’ll try to get a decision to you within a couple of weeks. However, if you think we might have missed your submission, forgotten you, or you have amendments to make, you can find everything you need on our contacts page.

ready to submit?

Make sure you’ve checked the FAQ for formatting guidance and terms of submissions.


All set? Send your work and bio to: submissions@eggplusfrog.com